
113學年度外國學生錄取榜單 Admission Announcement for International Students, Fall 2024

注意事項 Remarks


   Please submit this form with your signature to us before 20 June 2024 by post, fax, E-mail to elise@csmu.edu.tw or hand in person to the Office of Academic Affairs to complete the process of confirmation. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your admission.


   Each admitted student must complete the registration procedure in time in accordance with the university’s regulations.  To register, he or she must produce the original copies of his or her passport and diploma (or degree certificate) for examination. And, those who fail to complete their enrollment before the deadline will have their admission withdrawn with immediate effect according to the CSMU regulations.


   Please note that Acceptance letters or admissions notices do not guarantee visa issuance. Visas are approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Taiwan overseas representative office.

4.入學報到相關事宜,請洽本校國際事務處 劉小姐 聯絡電話:886-4-36097177;電子郵件:lyc@csmu.edu.tw

    For the enrollment information, please contact Office of International Affairs at  lyc@csmu.edu.tw  Tel: 886-4-36097177  Miss Liu


